Friday, April 30, 2010

Spring Time in Texas

Before I came to Texas, the images I had of the state were shaped by the old cowboy movies. It looked rough, dry and barren. And certainly there are parts of western Texas that are like that. In fact the drive from El Paso to San Antonio is 600 miles of barren flat desert land.
The area around Houston is much different. The weather there is affected by the Gulf of Mexico. During the winter it was mild, although this year was unusually cold. Houstonites told me this was the first year ever that they had two days of snow. There are sections of forests and lots of pastures and small rolling hills. It was a nice place to hang out for the winter. I hear the summers are very humid. I guess that is why most of the snowbirds we camped with have left for the northern climates.
Spring starts early in Houston. In February the flowers were beginning to bud. By spring break we had trees full of green and flowers. I found some pretty wildflowers right outside the campground gate. I love the orange and yellow colors.
Then I got in Agatha to drive to Tyler, about 200 miles north. I drove on the country roads, which didn't make the locals too happy since I drive 50 mph and they go 65 mph. The trip was beautiful. I saw fields of wildflowers among the rolling hills. Some fields were all white, some were all yellow, some were all purple. I just never pictured Texas so beautiful.
Now I understand why Lady Bird Johnson spent time preserving Texas wildflowers. The amazing colors and varieties. It seems like a Texan secret... spring time in Texas is delightful.

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