Sunday, June 6, 2010

THE TRIP BACK EAST- Texas and Arkansas

The trip started with spending most of the day at the repair shop. Agatha needed new spark plug wires, oil change and a few other adjustments. We arrived at 8AM and left about 4PM. It always seems to be a whole day and a whole lot of money to get anything done on Agatha. Mostly

I was waiting for those odd little parts. The good news was Dakota and I stayed in the air conditioned office. I spent the day watching SPEED TV. I saw motorcycle races, monster trucks and drag races. Not my usual watching, but it was tolerable and I learned there are a lot of crazy people out there doing crazy things.

Once the RV was road worthy, I drove north to see out friends Dave and Viola in Big Sandy. I was not sure I was going to get Agatha down this very rural small road, but we did make it. It was nice spending the night there. And this is where Hobo Mike got off the RV road. He plans to do some hobo-ing and east Texas is a good place to hop a train.

Tuesday morning I was on my own. I was starting out to drive across country solo. I have met some other women out there as solo RVers, but I have to admit I was a bit unsure of myself. I took the road north from Big Sandy headed to Gilmer and Texarkana. My idea of Texas was always desert looking, but in the north east part there was pine trees and lakes and small rolling hills. It was clear with bright blue sky. Perfect for driving.

It was around noon when I went through Texarkana and drove into Arkansas. It was 3 days after strong storms had gone through, but I didn’t see any damage. It was getting hot. For lunch Dakota and I stopped at a truck stop and had a PBJ and got some gas.

The road from Texarkana to Little Rock didn’t have much traffic. There were trees and lots of daisies. Yellow daisies. There were some buildings near the exits of the interstate, but most of the drive was tress, birds and flowers. I paid attention to Crow Brother . He warned me several times when there was problems up the road, like a cop who stopped a car. There is a sign for Hope, birthplace of President Bubba Clinton. The sun was heating up to 90 degrees. It was hot in the RV with only Red Neck Air conditioning.

There was more traffic as I got closer to Little Rock. The by-pass missed most of it. Once I got on interstateI-40, I was getting tired and hungry. I stopped at a MC Donald’s for a chicken sandwich. Dakota got a kiddie burger. I drove for a bout 25 more miles and saw a sign for TRICKIE’S RV CAMPGROUND.

Sounded good to me. I took the exit and saw Trickie’s convenience store and right next to it was the RV park.. Well really it was like a parking lot with electric. Half of the sites did not have working electricity due to the storms, or lack of attention.. who knows. I found a site, turned on the air conditioner in the back and soundly went to sleep. I was so tired I didn’t even take off my clothes. Dakota was crashed out right next to me.

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