Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Going back East- a flooded Tennesee

After Trickie's , I was back on Interstate 40. After a delay in West Memphis due to an rush hours accident, we drove over the Mississippi River bridge and into the Land of Elvis. I drove through but I had visited Beale Street and Graceland years before.
So I drove on I-40 east. There were signs of the flooding; mud fields, streams to the banks, and broken trees.
I thought I better find a campground before Nashville, since everything there would be flooded. I saw signs for Loretta Lynn's Ranch and then a campground called Birdsong Resort.
I thought it that sounded nice, so I turned off the highway. Then onto a country road and then onto a twisting rural road. I was thinking "What the hell did I get myself into" The signs said 9 miles, the longest 9 miles I drove.
Finally there and it was expensive, but I wasn't turning around. The resort was mostly seasonal and yearly people living on KENTUCKY LAKE. They told me to find a site anywhere, since the RV park was flooded. I found a site and backed in..yea. I just hooked up the electric.
The park was flooded. I wasn't thinking that this area got so much rain, but they did. Many of the buildings are under water. One photo had an RV underwater. It was amazing how much water was there. It was a great sunset. And lots of birds.
The morning was full of bird song...hey now I get the resort name...I drove back down the rural road and onto Nashville.
The flooding near Nashville was extensive. Even part of I-40 was covered. I drove on passed Nashville and continued onto to near Knoxville. It was very hot. I had to stop every 2 hours to cool off. Then the sky looked nasty and the weather board said there would be storms and possible I found a cheap motel and parked my RV in the parking lot..
Motels have air conditioning and great beds etc. There was no restaurant near so I ate PB & J sandwich. There was a big storm. Dakota and I snuggled in bed.
It was a beautiful morning . Have you noticed that after a storm is a really nice day. So onward we go.

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