Friday, April 9, 2010

Our Favorite Friends - our pets

When a person goes on an RV adventure, they leave their family and friends at home. Luckily our little furry friends come with us. Almost every camper we have met has a dog, or two. One Rv houses a cat the size of a dog who gets to walk around the campground on a leash. One RV houses 3 or 4 birds which we hear "singing" every evening, if you can call what parrots do as singing.
The majority of the campers have dogs. Most are small like bichons or terriers or dachshund. Generally, if the Full time RVers have small dogs, there is usually two of them. Like our friends Tom and Donna have Millie and Hank, who are bichons. Then there is a cute Cocker spaniel puppie named Maggie. Another friend we met, Donna, who is now in CA. has four dogs and a cat. One is a Great Dane, Hermes, and three medium sized dogs, all rescued. That's alot of dogs and we know if it is a cold three dog night, she's got it covered.
The dogs comfort us when we are feeling blue. The dogs sit with us when we are sick. They are friends and family, and a way to meet other people. We would all be lost with out our furry friends.
DOG STORIES: Dakota loves to play with all the dogs, especially Millie and Maggie. Maggie used to live in the site behind us. We would let Dakota and Maggie run and play with eachother, until they tired. It was so funny seeing little Maggie try to jump up on Dakotas face to give her a kiss. They would run around the RV, tails wagging happily. Everytime Maggie got out, she would run over to see if Dakota was out to play. Then Maggie and group moved to another site up near the front gate. I would walk Dakota over so she could see her little buddy.
Hank and Millie also were in a site behind us, but Dakota met them in NM first when we all worked at Desert Haven Animal Rescue. Hank is older and all he wanted was people attention, but Millie loves to play with Dakota. Tom and Donna moved to the other side of the campground. One night they decided to see where Millie would go if they just let her lead the way. Yep she took them right to my see Dakota and maybe me.
We love our four legged family and sometimes it is sad if we have to say goodbye. Maggie's older brother went to Doggie heaven, and yesterday our friend Jesse and his family had to say goodbye to their basset hound, Phil.
Living on the road is hard on the dogs. They get hot in the RV's, they are always in a new locations, with new smells and strange dogs. The water changes, food changes, but they hang in loving us and keeping us sane.

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