Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Trying to talk to the Trees

When a person has been in an office, or city, too long, they lose touch with the spirit of Mother Earth. Stress can do the same thing.
The Dene say a person is out of Balance. I am out of balance.
Although the amish Farmland is bucolic, it did not satisfy my need to be in the forest, too talk to the trees and listen to the words of the babbling brook, and perhaps see the wood elves.

I found a state park in the Bald Eagle state forest near Lewisburg
I just spilled cereal all over myself....ok

The state park is 17 miles west of bucknell along a twisting mountain road. I was nearly flipping out as I tried to drive a huge bus down old country roads. But somehow, by the grace of God, i got there.

If you have noticed most of these big rigs back in...everyone who knows me can tell you backing up is not one of my best skills. i suck.
Needless to say we had half the campground trying to help me back in, which eventually happened, with a few scrapes to a poor tree.

The campground was everything I needed. There is a spring filled lake, which I tried, great trails, and clean bathrooms and showers, and lots of trees.

We got there Wed afternoon, knowing that we would have to get up early to be at PennDOT to sign the title of my faithful car Blazey, the Blazer. 8 am in Harrisburg. The day was done with other errands and the drive back. Finally on Friday I was calming down. Except we had to move the bus. Orginally there was not vacant sites for the weekend. We prayed to the creator that someone would cancel. Early friday I went to the Park office to see, and the paryers were answera]e a site was open, The Problem WAS I had to move the bus .

It was not good. Major damage to the site pole, a tree and the bumper was bent. Who said it was ok for the untrained to drive this monster. agatha was damaged We felt bad. It took 1 hr to move us, thank God Fred, an oldtimer, helped us out of a very Bad spot.
oh well, we are learning the hard way...

I should paint a big boo-boo on the bumper.

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