Sunday, July 12, 2009

The foreskin of this trip

To start, there were many waves of energy over many years  that lead me to this place. 
A place where I sold, gave away or put into storage ALL MY STUFF. 
 I realized too late that I have way to much stuff.  

I think of our friend George Carlin- now he could understand stuff...stuff,  stuff, stuff,  

I came to an understanding... exactly why do we spend so much time of our life accumulating stuff? In primitive cultures, it shows wealth..  yes we are pretty primitive in the larger sense.. the stuff we have is no longer treasured by the younger generations, who prefer Walmart or Pier One collections.  
 No one really wants more stuff, so there is no way to get rid of it.
 We have finally met the saturation point. 

I bought a Winnebago Adventurer RV...look it is massive.... 
I packed up a few things, a grumpy old Hobo, and a Dog.

This is the story of the adventure.   

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