Monday, September 13, 2010

How I spent my summer part one

It was a weird summer. It all started in Texas, when my Dad called saying he was not well and could use some help, so I drove the RV to Avalon NJ. After a month he was better and said he didn’t need me there. So I drove the RV to Lancaster County and stayed at the White Oak campground in Strasburg. Of course we all knew Dad needed help and was being stubborn. Things changed when he fell and was on the floor for a day not able to get up… So in August I again went down to Avalon. Within 10 days he was complaining about me being there again and kicked me out..actually he told Craig ,my brother, to kick me again I packed up and left….not doing that again.

I did enjoy being down at the beach for most of the summer. I walked the roads I had walked as a teenager. The streets are the same; the houses are now mansions. The music cooperated and I listened to songs of the 70’s . It felt like ol' times.. I did get to see an old friend Bel Whilden. We worked together on many newspapers. We also drank a few. It was good to see him again.

Tim and Jean were down in Stone Harbor and I saw them and the kids and Jean’s Dad. It was nice to sit on the porch and watch the sun go down.

The best part was seeing Sean and Courtney and the Frisbee team in Wildwood. Every year many teams from the east coast come to Wildwood for the Ultimate Frisbee tournament. It was soo hot 100 degrees on the beach, Their feet were burning on the white sand. I got a pretty good sun burn too-yea I put stuff on but went for a swim and forgot to re-apply...

More summer fun to come

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