Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How I spent my summer part 2

Half of the summer was spent in Avalon. I only went to the beach two times but the salt air was healing. I have a great sunset pix. I really do love the shore...and I really hate what the Jersey Shore reality shows have done for the women. We either are bitches and air head dim wits...most Jersey girls are smart...
The other half was spent in Amish Land. I am in the deep hills of Amish farmlands. Four miles south of Strasburg, PA. The buggies go by. I feel for the horses going up the big hills pulling the wagons. Then there is that "fresh country air". If you haven't been in these parts, the Amish fertilize their fields with fresh manure....ummm, ummmm good!!!!
There is a pix of Agatha in the trees where I camp. One day a hot air balloon floated by. It was so low that it scraped the top of the trees. You can see the people. We all worried that it was going to crash, but found out it was landing near by. This is near where the movie "Witness" was filmed and where those young children where killed at the Nichel mine Amish school.
The campground is quiet during the week and fills up during the weekend. Many NJ people are here with permanent trailers. Just can't get away from them....
There was a big fire a few weeks ago down the valley. A barn burnt down. I expect an Amish barn raising party soon. I will probably miss it. Right now the farmers are harvesting the corn. Wagons and horses and some machine that cuts the stalk. They have been working hard. The pumpkins are out already too. I really like it here. On Saturday they have blue grass music under the tree...it is fun.
The best part was Sean and Courtney came up to camp for Labor day weekend. The pitched a tent behind the RV. On Saturday we walked around Lancaster and went to the Farmers Market, art galleries, antique stores and a coffee shop. Liam, Sean's Dad, came too. The Saturday night we went for a ride on the Strasburg Railroad. It is a steam locomotive. We took the evening Wine and Cheese tour. It was great fun. We really liked the wine glasses..Sean can tell you that story...
Now in White Oak campground...the acorns are falling like bombs but the evenings are so nice.

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