Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

I wasn't sure about how Christmas would end up, since everything and everyone is in some transition. Bt it turned out great.
We went down to DC to have Christmas with Sean. He was worried because his place is so small, but with Mike, Liam, me and Dakota, it was just cozy. It was nice weather driving down. And I got a parking spot right outside Sean's door. This is amazing for DC, so I felt things were going to bode well. We got a cozy and had a few drinks and got some pizza for dinner. We watched a couple of movies and we all went to sleep. Mike got the bed, because if I slept on it so would Dakota. So I made a cushy bed on the floor, Sean got the futon and Liam made a bed next to the computers.
Christmas morning there was snow flurries when I took the dog for a walk.
There had been some fund raiser with Christmas trees on the block where Sean lives, and there were three left sitting along the sidewalk, two small and one big one. I had been looking at this small one, thinking we should have a tree. Sean said he didn't think we should take it. But here it was Christmas morning and this little tree, who had been cut down was left abandoned. It looked so sad. So I picked it up and took it home.
Sean had gone to his bed to continue sleeping, so I set up the little tree. Sean had bead necklaces, Mike calls them Jerry beads ( people who watch Jerry Springer will know) sitting on the bookshelf so I draped them around the tree. Then I started cutting out little snowflakes out of paper and red wrapping paper. The end result was this cut little tree. We put the gifts under it. I was so pleased. The tree was happy too. And Sean was happy to see the little Christmas tree all decorated up.
We opened our gifts. I'm set for chocolate for a while. For dinner I was going to make my famous Lasagna. OH no, we forgot the mozzarella cheese.. oh no it is a major ingredient
Sean comes to the rescue, first he walked to the corner, missed the store closed a hour ago.I call and say hey what about pizza they are closed too.He finally found a Giant store and got the precious cheese...
The lasagna was great with garlic bread and wine...We watched ELF afterwards.
It was a great Christmas Sunday we came back to my current home where Ken and Dewey, Robin, Kelly and Josh were festive. We had the rest of the lasagna and chocolate..yea...

And we include all our friends and family who are here and there, we love you and cherish you and wish you a wonderful New Year...

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