Friday, November 27, 2009

Our Daily Life at Desert Haven Animal Rescue- Truth or Consequences NM

I thought I would give you an idea of what an average day is like, here at the Desert Haven Animal Rescue. We work 3 days a week.
Morning starts way to early for Mikey, around 6:30 am. Grandfather Sun is coming up over the Caballo Mts. I hesitate to get out of my warm blankets, since it is cold in these high desert mountains. I can here a few birds, time to make coffee. It is the smell of fresh perking coffee that finally gets Mikey moving. Meanwhile I feed Dakota and take her for a walk. Mike makes his famous fried eggs. By 7:30 am, we make our way up the hill to the animal area. As soon as the dogs hear the crunch crunch of my boots on the gravel road, they start barking. They are so glad to see us. As we pass the bird sanctuary, I can hear the doves cooing, and of course Chicken Soup, the big rooster, is waking up the neighborhood.

I start by fixing the dog food, and then go to the cat's playhouse and fix their food. We have about 30 dogs, and 30 cats. Then I go to Birdland, where guinea pigs, doves, chickens, peacocks and a rabbit live. We chop up fruits and veggies, and throw seed around. Meanwhile the others are cleaning the Dog runs. If we could sell poop , we'd be rich... The dogs are taken in 3's up to Old West , which is a large fenced yard, where they can run and be free. They like to nibble on the chapparel leaves and branches.

All the cleaning, feeding and walking take about 2 hours. At 3:30 pm, we do the whole thing over. By 5:30 it is dark.

We have met some wonderful people here. Carmen, who is from Buffalo, NY, has now moved on to Florida. We immediately liked him, since we had lived in the same area of Buffalo, it was like old times. Connecticut Donna, who lived with 4 dogs and a cat, was a big help. We could not figure how she managed with a Great Dane and 3 dogs about Dakota's size. Donna has also moved on to CA. We miss them. Then there is Indiana Tom and Donna. they are very cool people. Tom is Mr Fix-it and fixed Mike's car. Donna is a Balloon Twister and made Mike a Hobo Mike Balloon and me a monkey in a tree. We sit outside in the evening and have a beer and laugh.

On the days we are not working , we drive into town, buy food, window shop, sometimes go rock hunting. I work on my creative projects, Mike watches TV. somethings never change....
So that is our fun filled days.

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