Friday, November 6, 2009

TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES- I guess we will find out!!!

The last night on the road was at Kiva RV park, right off the Interstate 25. We were not too sure of things because...there was cattle grates and a dirt road. We have now found out most of New Mexico rural roads are dirt! This RV Park was no frills, but still pretty nice. We met a great lady there, Val, who is like a sister of another mother. We are now friends. Since the sewer thing was broken, we were literally pissing in a pot...I sure hope things get better. We did have the last long hot shower there, and we picked up more rocks. This area is interesting. The Large Array Telescope is located here, as well as one of the nations best wild life preserves. They are waiting for the cranes to return here, thousands of birds winter here. It is reported to bean amazing sight.
The next day we headed for Truth or Consequences. Well let me say the brochures are a bit nicer than the town. It is really a pretty small town. We drove out to our campsite, which is 2 miles south of Williamsburg, which is 4 miles south of T or C. We are parked on the side of a "hill". There are 6 RV's and 2 permanent trailers. This is Desert Haven Animal Rescue. When we saw it, we thought gee, what did we get ourselves into.It is pretty rough. Rock and dirt roads, no frills, no shower house, no pool, no cable just 6 RV's.
OK we can deal with this. first we had to get the sewer thing fixed, for obvious reasons. We had the part, which is very tricky to put in. Of course, we put it in wrong. Mike insisted in doing it, so every day we heard cussing coming from under the RV, where Mike worked on the sewer line. Well it still leaked, so we are still pissing in the pot. Mike siliconed the whole damn thing, ,still leaked.. It cost Mike $1.87 to use the convenience store bathroom. (He had to buy something.) OK so that is the bathroom issue...
Now inside the RV is a converter box, which changes AC to DC and charges the batteries which run the lights. The thing was running very hot, and then suddenly stopped. I asked our friend, and co-workamper, Donna, about it, and she saw the fan had burnt out. Donna, a most intelligent person, rigged the converter box with a new fan. The fan worked but the converter box was not sending out a charge to the you may now guess..that besides no toilet, I have no lights...
All is not horrible, we do have candles and flashlights.
Two days later, another former workkamper, Deb, came to see if she could help. She said she thought the converter box was dead. Oh good said I!! Deb, a wonderful person, lent us her battery charger, so we could have lights until the repair man could come. Deb also helped me get a PT job.
The repairman came Thursday and said "Yep It's dead...cost about $500 to get a new one. Have to order it, will be in Tuesday". Okay doakie what else can I do. You need these things. The best part was he had another part for the sewer thing, and I asked him the trick to putting it in. and you know what he said Vasoline...unbeleivable..
So Mike put it in with vasoline, and YEA we have a toilet. Tuesday O'Neill put in the converter box and YEA we have lights.
Now we had to figure out the propane thing. We had help from Reba and Gene long time workampers. We had our first shower in 10 days..YEA. we were pretty ripe., working with the dogs and sweating.. The only thing about showers is the are "Navy" showers. get wet, turn off water, soap up, turn on water. I miss a long hot shower.
But we have all systems on, even the TV, no cable, and I hooked up the DVD. so Life is still rough, but livable...alot better than the settlers.

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