Thursday, December 10, 2009

Winter time here on the Desert

By now everyone is having a taste of Ol' Man Winter. We have to collectively send that Jet stream back north. Here there have been record breaking low temperatures and snow. It even snowed in Houston Tex, first time in 90 years!!.
Now I love snow when I am in my cozy house baking up some chocolate chip cookies, but living in a tin can- no offense Agatha- it is not that pleasant. We had the water line freeze a bit and also the waste water lines. The cure was my handy dandy hair dryer. The wind was whipping around here so hard that it was rocking the rv like a baby cradle. We have 2 space heaters, which have kept us warm enough, almost. It is great during the day, when the sun shines about 50 degrees, but as soon as the sun sets, all the warm goes away and the temperatures quickly plummet. There have been nights when I have had 2 comforters, a horse blanket, my hat, socks , flannel PJ and a dog, and still be cold. But we survive.
This cold gave us motivation to move south. We finished at Desert Haven and are waiting for a new tire. We moved to an RV park in Truth or Consequences for a week. Mike is happy he has cable and his Sci-fi channel. I am happy to have a hot shower!! Dakota is happy to have a place where we can walk around the block. We have not decided where in Texas yet.
We met a couple from Alberta Canada here, who said it was minus 25 degrees back there. They are like us, on a new adventure, living on the road.

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