Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Avalon Cooler than a mile- no place like home

I must say it was fun being back in Avalon for awhile. The last time I really spent more than a day here was in the late 1970's. Much as changed since then. Most of the the people and stores have been replaced. The old cottages have been torn down and Mac-mansions have been built. Some are interesting; many are big but average looking. The thing that annoyed me is that many newer houses are shades of grey or beige. Very blah....houses used to be yellows and greens and even a pink one.
There used to be many prickly pear cactus here and one is growing by the house see pix.
The only old stores still there are Hoy's and my brother's PAPER PEDDLER. The store looks small now, but is pretty much the same. All the kids got a chance to run the store. My run was during the wild '68-'74 period. Man we had fun in that back room. It is amazing we never got busted.
There was much to remind me of those days. For one thing the music playing was all from that time. And I used to walk a dog down the main drag, much like now when I walk Dakota. Everyone knows Dakota..they don't remember my name, but they know the dog!!! Walking the main drag is as it always was. People going to get ice cream and looking for hook-ups. I can watch the young girls and boys flirting with each other. I used to do that, but now I am an old fart. That didn't stop me from flirting with any man near my age.
It also felt like the 1970's because I was living at my childhood home and it really didn't change, except my room is now the exercise room. I went to sleep at night listening to the ocean waves and the toads. Living at home had it good and bad moments. Although Dad appreciated my help, he hated someone being in his "space." He constantly told me to leave or go back to where I was from. So finally I did. Although Dad and I made great progress at a relationship and he helped me get a car so I could get a job.
So I packed up the RV and the dog and rolled back to Lancaster, PA. One the way I heard a song about returning where you came from and it seemed like full circle. I ended up at the White Oak Campground 4 miles south of Strasburg, PA in Amish country.

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