Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Story about the Crows and a Hawk

Have you ever noticed that many times you will see 2 crows and a hawk flying around together?
There is a reason for is the story.

Some time ago, there was a Mother Hawk. She was ready to lay her egg, when a strong storm arrived at the hillside. It was a violent storm with high winds, whipping rain and flashes of lightening that jetted across the sky.

One of the lightening strikes was near the tree where she had lovingly built a nest of twigs and moss. It scared her, so she flew down to the ground and took cover under a bush. The wind came like an explosion, blasting rain and tree branches.

When the rain stopped, Mother Hawk realized she was ready to deliver her egg. She flew up to the tree and sadly found that her nest was gone. It lay on the ground, a shattered mess. "Oh My!" she said, "What am I going to do? This egg is coming, and coming soon." She was quite distraught.

Mother Hawk took to flight. She flew all around the forest, trying to find an abandoned nest. She did not find one. She was worried that she would have to lay the egg on the ground, but knew that some animal would come and eat it, so she kept flying.

Then she saw a nest sitting in a big old pine tree. She watched and no one was there. She landed above the nest and saw it had two eggs in it. She saw no other birds around, so she quickly flew to the nest and sat. After a few grunts, she laid the egg.

Looking at the egg, she said, "Oh dear little baby, I have to leave you here. I hope you will be OK." Mother Hawk flew off, crying as she went.

Not long after, Mother Crow came back to her nest in the pine tree. "What's this? I don't remember laying 3 eggs. Well maybe I did and forgot. I don't know." So she sat on her eggs to keep them warm.

After 2 weeks, her first egg started to hatch, first little cracks, then a beak, then a little head peaking out through the shell. Then the next egg did the same. A day later, the last egg hatched.

Mother Crow looked at her little hatchlings, "My, look at this one, he doesn't look like my other babies. He must get that from his fathers side."

Mother Crow took good care of her babies, feeding them, pruning their feathers and telling them stories. She taught them about the trees and animals that lived in the forest. She loved her 3 little birds.

Soon the babies all had feathers: 2 had black feathers, and the smallest one had grey feathers. The 2 Crow brothers grew quickly and were much bigger than Hawk brother. When their mothers was away, they would peck at him and call him names. Hawk brother tried to fight back, but he was too small.

When the 3 brothers finally learned to fly, Mother Crow would call out, "Now you boys play nice." But the Crow brothers didn't listen and always swooped under Hawk brother trying to make him fall. "Ha ha" they called, "You're a weakling."

But Hawk brother was getting stronger and he learned how to hunt small animals. Finally he grew and grew, until he was bigger than the 2 Crow brothers. He was tired of the Crow brothers picking on him, so he went after them. It was a big fight.

Mother Crow yelled at her 3 boys,"Now, you 3 are brothers, and I am tired of seeing you fighting all the time. I will not always be here for you, and you 3 need to work together. I want you to promise."

The 3 boys did not want to hurt their mother, so they agreed to work together.

So now when you see the 3 brothers, you understand why they fly together. But like all siblings, they still fight, and sometimes you see them swooping after each other, until one goes "Call Call, I'm going to tell Mom."

hope you liked the story. I did not take the pictures.

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