Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Put on your Cowboy Hat-we're in Texas

Driving west on I-40, it is warm, there is a bit of a wind, and you can tell you are in Texas. Where in OK, there were some trees, now it is just dry grasslands. Yep the panhandle of Texas is pretty harsh. There are rusted silos and some small towns that have lost their luster. You do see cattle and ranches. Most of these ranches are huge. there was a sign that said Johnson Ranch- North branch, and it was hundreds of acres. This is one place I would not live, even if you paid me. But I wore my cowboy hat, cause that's what you do in Texas.

So about 30 miles from Amarillo, where we were going to stay at a Walmart parking lot , I hear this BIG BANG. I pull over and there is another blow-out on the same side, same wheel, different tire. The last one was the inside, rear duel, this was the outside tire, and it was a big one. Caused some damage to the wheel well.
Well we learned our lesson with Good Sam, so Mike went 7 miles to the truck stop, where he found someone to come change the tire, still another $300. This was not getting any fun...
He was there in less than an hour , and was a real nice man. He got us on our way.

Summer time is construction time on the roads, and it was a mess coming into Amarillo. I didn't realize how big this city was. Since there is nothing around for miles, I guess those Texans found a good watering hole and stayed there. I 40 goes right through Amarillo and we found the Walmart, but the GPS was wrong..

The parking lot of the Walmart was like a mini RV camp. There were 27 campers that I counted, maybe more on the other side, and 3 trucks. It was crazy. Many were headed to Albuquerque for the Hot Air Balloon Festival. We stayed there and talked to alot of people.

Not too early we left , back on I 40 west.

Now I have to backtrack a bit for the next part of the story. When we were staying at PRO Diesel in Kansas waiting for Agatha to get better, we helped clean out a truck. The Pickup truck had been abandoned for lack of repair money and Cory was going to have it auctioned off. I had been poking around the truck, because I saw there was a feather and an eagle claw hanging from the rear view mirror. So I knew that the owner was native and had probably danced in a Sun Dance. There was sage and some other things. So I helped clean the truck out and took the sacred things, a ring on a chain, and some CDs.
The night at the Amarillo Walmart, I had a terrible time sleeping, something was making me feel very uneasy. I knew there was something not right with my bag of items, maybe that was why we were having so many troubles, maybe there was some really negative energy that had been attached to them.
So right out of Amarillo, we stopped at a truck rest area, which was dirt, and had a ceremony for those items. We buried them, put tobacco on them, and had a pipe ceremony. We sent healing energy to the man who owned these things, and smudged ourselves and Agatha. It felt much better after that. There was only 40 miles to the New Mexico border...

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