Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The last time I was in Pipestone

I know this is out of step with the story, but I have to interrupt to tell a story, because I had an amazing day today, and yesterday, and the day before that...

The last time I was in Pipestone, MN, about early September 2005, when I went on a spiritual quest roadtrip. It was days after Katrina, things were very uncertain. The reason for the trip was a vision in a dream. But I will tell you part of the story later. It was me, my dog friend, Honeybear, and my Chevy Blazer. It was a life changing experience. Here is what happened in Pipestone.

I rolled into Pipestone, a rural town, around 11am and admired the red colored stone buildings. I stopped at in the center of town and went to The Pipestone Museum store. I walked in and the first thing I saw was this small child who was running towards me. It was a young native girl, about 3 years old and she says with a smile, "I have been waiting for you". I was startled, but I could hear what my friend used to say,"out of the mouths of children, comes the truth". So I paid attention.
This little girl walked me around the store explaining this and that, what she liked and not. I was enthralled. Then the little girl took off one of the several necklaces around her neck and said"Here this is for you" and handed me a Catlinite butterfly on a leather tie.
Did she know my name is Butterflywoman? Interesting...
There were other interesting moments.
As I was leaving she explained" You need a hat".
I said I had a hat and could only wear one at a time...
a couple days later I lost my hat at the Crazy Horse Monument.
This little girl stands out in my memories. Over the years I thought of her as I told the story. I knew I would see her again.
++++Story break++++

The Prairie
My favorite view is looking west at the setting Sun sky. The colors are painted across the sky with a pallet of orange, red, golden, evening twilight blue-magenta. Clouds arrange themselves in entertaining delightful ways. It seems you can see 200 miles away.
The birds are going to their homes now. Crows, blue heron, doves, small birds, talking about their travels, where the food was, and general bird gossip.
You don't believe me??
Just listen to the the birds singing at twilight. Hopefully there are birds were you are.
Excuse me but I must say, as afar as the environment, " Be mindful of the yellow canary" The bird kingdow's health reflects our own.
Also, there are many groups trying to save what is left of the prairie, or restore prairie land. For people who do not live here, you do not see the gentle beauty. But I can say, this is an important mission, environmentally and spiritually.
Back again to the story.
The watching the sunset, the kaleidoscope of changing colors and cloud formations. The tall prairie grass, golden in the light, sways gently with the wind. A Clump of trees are seen in the distance, where the Pipestone creek flows and the quarry lies. Sprinkled about are yellow daisy type flowers, weaving and bobing in the wind like a troupe of dancers. A flash of a purple spike flowers dances here and there, the silver of sage, and the flower Eggs and Butter complete the ground. There are butterflies all over, flitting around the flowers, occasionally meeting with another in a fanciful tango. There are dragonflies zooming around like dive boomers.
Put together this is a place that opens your heart. You can feel the gentle caress of the Creator's beautiful land.
I saw a Doe with her twin fawns, and wild turkey, all in the same area.
It is inspiring.

We are staying here several weeks . We went to the END OF THE LINE RAILROAD MUSEUM, The Pipestone Monument, Woodstock,MI, and today we did the wash. While driving around looking for a food storelast week, I saw the sign INDIAN CRAFTS. I put that in my mentl notebook. I knew it was close to the laurdramat. While the clothes were in the wash cycle, I went for a walk, 2 blocks up, and found the store. It was very small old prairie house, a woman with her back to me was painting the portrait of traditionally dressed Sioux Man on a stretched piece of deer hide. I walked around looking at the lovely items in the store. There was flute music playing and the aroma of sage. The place felt comfortable and energized. Then this young girl around 6 or 7 comes out.
I looked at them carefully, and ask the mother, "Did you run the Museum store awhile ago?" She said yes.
Oh My God, I found the little girl again. I took hold of the butterfly pendent around my neck. I show it to her mom, and told her the story I enjoyed telling about her daughter. Although the little girl did not remember me, which is understandable, her mother did. I do remember you, you were the one looking for turtle effigy's. You know she only went up to you and another woman, normally she is quite sky around strangers.
I was thrilled.
and that's what it feels like here.
the prairie is pretty cool.

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